Baking Recipes from the 1920 Bayside Woman’s Club Cookbook
Plum Pudding
4 cups of bread crumbs
1 cup of butter
1 1/2 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
2 pounds of mixed fruit
4 eggs
Pour in pudding mould and boil for three hours.
Recipe by A. H. Maury.
Liberty Coffee Cake
3 cups of flour
3 teaspoonsful baking powder
1/2 teaspoonful of salt
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups milk
1 egg
Crisco size of egg
Crumbs for Coffee Cake
2 tablespoonsful flour
4 tablespoonsful sugar
1 heaping tablespoonful cinnamon
2 tablespoonsful butter
Mix together and spread on top of cake. Bake in moderate oven 1/2 hour.
Recipe by Cornelia Van Siclen.
Sponge Cake
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup potato flour
1 teaspoonful baking powder
2 teaspoonsful vanilla (Other flavoring may be used.)
Beat yolks of eggs very hard, add sugar and beat again, add well beaten whites of eggs, and fold in gently. The potato flour which has been mixed with baking powder. Add flavoring and bake from thirty to forty minutes in a moderate oven.
Recipe by Mary V. Dayton.
White Fruit Cake
1/2 cup butter
1 1/4 cups of sugar
2 eggs (yolks)
2/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon each vanilla and orange extract
2 1/4 cups flour (2 cups of Presto Self Rising Cake Flour or other prepared flour + 1/4 cup plain)
1 tablespoonful lemon juice
1/2 cup sultana raisins
1/3 cup currants
1/2 cup chopped nuts (full)
1/2 cup preserved cherries
2 tablespoonsful each chopped citron and candied orange peel
Beaten whites of the 2 eggs
Mix in above order and bake in a buttered and floured pan in a moderate oven two hours or more.
Recipe by Mary V. Dayton.
Apple Sauce Cake
1/2 cup butter
1 cup hot apple sauce (unsweetened), stir into sauce.
1 teaspoon of soda
2 cups of flour
1/2 teaspoonful salt
1/2 teaspoonful cloves
1/2 teaspoonful of cinnamon
1 cup of raisins
1 cup sugar
A few chopped walnuts or pecans can be added. Bake in moderate oven 40 minutes.
Recipe by Mrs. Wm. C. Lewis.
Ginger Cake
1 tablespoonful butter
1/2 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon baking soda
3/4 cup of molasses
1 teaspoonful ginger (dissolved in 1 cup hot water)
1/2 teaspoonful teaspoonful cinnamon
1/4 teaspoonful nutmeg
2 cups flour
Bake about 25 minutes [the BHS staff recommends a moderate oven temperature].
Recipe by Mrs. Henry R. M. Cook.
Quick Cake
1/3 cup very soft butter
1 1/3 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 milk
1 3/4 cups of flour
3 teaspoonsful baking powder
1/2 teaspoonful cinnamon
1/2 teaspoonful ground nutmeg
1 large cup of raisins or dates (Other fruit may be added.)
Put all ingredients in a bowl and beat together for three minutes. Do not beat ingredients separately. Bake in a moderate oven 40 to 50 minutes.
Recipe by Mary V. Dayton.
Graham Layer Cake
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 cup of milk
1 teaspoonful of vanilla
2 teaspoonsful (heaping) baking powder
1 box of Graham wafers
1/2 pint cream
Cream the butter and sugar, then add the yolks of the two eggs. Next grind the wafers by means of a food chopper, using the finest knife disc, then mix the baking powder thoroughly in the Graham crumbs. Now alternately add to the butter and sugar a little milk and some Graham crumbs stirring so as to mix thoroughly. Then add the vanilla and last of all the whites of the eggs well beaten.
The above ingredients will prove sufficient for just two normally sized layers.
Place in a moderate oven for fifteen or twenty minutes.
When finished add whipped cream as filler between the layers and as a top dressing.
Recipe by Mrs. J. B. Ferris.
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